Claudine Gay Outrage Isn't About Racism or Sexism: It's About Upper Class Interests
The reason that leftist "academics", college graduates, and credentialists were upset about Claudine Gay's resignation wasn't really because of racism or sexism.
It was because the public, aka peasants, pressured a member of the upper class to sacrifice her position.
George Carlin famously stated "It's one big club and you ain't in it" and this is incredibly true when it comes to how elitists in academia and those who've invested in academia view their social standing against the "uneducated" public.
The greatest sleight of hand performed today is by the upper class when they quickly switch out their economic privilege to swap in oppression narratives to galvanize the poor and working class to weep for them: We're not supposed to see what is obviously a life advantage.
You're supposed to believe that Claudine Gay and I have more in common because we have similar pigmentation but I have no idea what it's like to grow up with wealthy like her, attend the most exclusive private school in the country, Exeter, or mingle with Harvard aristocrats.
It's the illusion of a club that we are exclusive to but it's only a club that people like her claim to be part of when something doesn't go their way amid a lifetime of immense prosperity: Their racial club membership only becomes valuable when it can be utilized as a shield.
However, like any other trick, when this sleight of hand doesn't work and people see through it, their true snobbish selves emerge to the public eye. It's why you started seeing academic types show their disdain for the uneducated questioning her credentials when we have none.
The entire premise is that they know more and better than you because the insignia on their diploma confirms it to be true and they cannot stand by as the peasantry calls into question the credibility of one of their own.
And it bothers them to no end that two journalists helped to knock a member of the educated 1% off of such an esteemed perch because they presumed that their country club memberships would make them impenetrable from the ire of the Untermensch.
This entire fiasco has only validated what I figured out years ago: the upper class will activate racism or sexism narratives to protect themselves and shame the general public. Gay retaining another position making nearly $900k a year doesn't matter because it wasn't supposed to happen.
They will ramble on with their intellectualized leftist jargon to attempt to have you question yourself but they are only lashing out in public tantrums because they're spoiled adults who are used to getting what they want.
But understand clearly: these people despise and pity you and I. They've been taught that they're special for years, raised in an exclusivity lifestyle, and see a clear difference between the people who get invited to the penthouse parties and those who do the catering for it.
Calling you a white supremacist, sexist, or racist is their only defense to protect their class interests. If you know how the trick works, you'll no longer be impressed by the magician's attempt to manipulate your emotions.
If you can predict their slander, it won't sting.
They keep us fighting fake race wars to keep us from fighting the class war.
A lot of people don't seem to realise that the countries from which immigrants come--especially poor countries--have class systems and aristocracies of their own. A posh person from Haiti (like the members of the Gay family) will have more in common with other posh Americans (of any race) than poor Americans (of any race).