"No thanks, Obama — this black man will make up his own mind and not be shamed into voting for Kamala"
My Latest New York Post article
After Obama’s comments about black men essentially being misogynists if they’re hesitant about making Kamala Harris president, the New York Post reached out to have me write an op-ed about it.
This article got a big response and even got me invited onto Fox News’ Jesse Watters show last night.
Give it a read when you get a chance.
Nice Piece, Adam. I Find it kind of sad, if not comical at the same time, that Obama who is only 1/2 black chastising Black men for not voting for a black woman, who is not black.
Kind of makes your head spin, doesn’t it ???
Well done and stated in your article.
Larry elder had some very good observations on this reverse racism, as well.
It's hopeful to see black men and women, but especially men waking up to this legacy control and manipulation.
Larry quoted obama's use of "the bruthas". He asked, is barack hanging out with "the bruthas" down at the local barber shop, in Martha's Vineyard??
He and his fellow black overseers on the left, are actually worse than the white, elitist, liberal masters above them.
He and all the celeb operatives are the very ones who gave all of us, but the black community in particular the likes of diddy and that whole culture bent on destroying the black family and dooming black children to lives of servitude, to their leftist/progressive masters.
I did a quick note that said - "Obama just told American black men to hand their balls to a woman, simply because she is black."
My hope is, the last 4 years have given black men ample justification to reject the raced based poverty and destruction, they've felt pressured to choose. This is the turning that has been needed for a century or more.
One last thing. The great replacement is happening and cannot be unseen or ignored. The reason behind it is not only destabilization of Western countries, but supplanting and replacing the liberal voting blocks, that are starting to move away from the party. Blacks are being preemptively replaced with illegals, by the dems. Once the illegal numbers reach a tipping point, the majority of the black population will be told to get inline behind the "New Americans" or be swept aside.