The Harris Campaign Has A Black Male Misandry Problem
The strategy to reach black men by the Harris campaign has to be the most condescending one I've ever seen.
The strategy to reach black men by the Harris campaign has to be the most condescending one I've ever seen.
They use racial & misandrist stereotypes, uniquely taunting us with marijuana legalization & making ads leveraging our sex drive for votes: This is not by accident.
It's well noted and discussed by Democratic strategists and pundits that the Harris campaign has a "man" problem but in recent weeks, the topic has been on why black men are slowly moving away from the DNC's pick for president.
However, their approach to "fixing" this problem with the men of their most loyal voter bloc, Black Americans, has done nothing but insult black men like me. They've chosen to shame us, label us as misogynists, and then when those moves backfired, offered us tone-deaf benefits.
While Kamala Harris herself denies any form of animosity towards black men, even if I believed her, this does not account for the people who work on her campaign’s messaging. It's become clearer with every attempt that those people hold contempt for black men.
Early in the Harris campaign, when it became obvious there was a divide in support for either candidate based on sex, they made Tim Walz their male spokesman by having him go hunting, appearing on sports podcasts and working hard to frame him as a "man's man".

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There was an attempt to attract by meeting men where they were, even if it appeared highly inauthentic. They purposefully attempted to court white working-class men in the best way they knew how. They made Tim Walz the center of the male appeal to win them over.
From a messaging standpoint, they were trying to alter the optics of the Harris campaign as being friendly to the average man and tried to persuade them to see this. However, the treatment of the undecided black man has been vastly different in approach and far more insulting.
This "pop the balloon" ad is a parody of a populat online dating series. Yes, anyone could see why they'd want to piggyback off of something that in popular culture, especially popular amongst younger voters.
But if they had any connection to the typical straight black man, they'd know that this is a show we mock, not enjoy. However, my initial mistake was believing this ad was for winning over black men. This ad wasn't for us; it was for the pleasure of black male misandrists.
This was another suggested shaming ritual masquerading as a campaign ad. Black men were the target of shame, not the target of appeasement. In other words, it's "no vote, no sex", which would surely alter our behavior to participate; hypersexual beasts need their vagina, right?
None of this is by accident, all of it is planned. Presidential campaigns have teams of people who come together to plan out their messaging and talking points. They carefully consider how their ad might portray one idea over another & conclude as a team their marketing strategy.
This isn't some small town council seat campaign we're talking about. There are hundreds of millions of dollars thrown into a presidential campaign and marketing is of an abundance important to get voters interested in their candidate.
I can buy an unfortunate gaff or an ad that just didn't land right despite the attempt. But it's another story when it's time after time messages laced with insults, shaming and negative stereotypes. There aren't repeated accidental bad messages in presidential campaigns.
It's very clear to me that the people who run her campaign have no interest in treating black men with the same level of respect as any other American. They don't need to ask what we want or why we are hesitant to support their candidate to change our minds.
They do not respect us and act annoyed by the prospect of having to acknowledge our resonance. We're supposed to do as we're told, without questions and if we push back, something must be wrong with us instead of them. I've not seen any other demographic get this treatment.
I've made my decision and it's not to support Kamala Harris. Her campaign is an extension of her and it's clear that she is perfectly fine with how we are talked down to and stereotyped.
You are the company you keep: She's surrounded by misandrists.
Accurate assessment. This is particularly important:
"However, my initial mistake was believing this ad was for winning over black men. This ad wasn't for us; it was for the pleasure of black male misandrists."
There's a lot of that around nowadays. Other examples include that rock-stupid "No Pressure" climate change video or pretty much everything PeTA ever did. They're not intended to persuade: they're intended for dunking, preening, and tossing raw meat to the cheap seats in their donor bases.
This is, by far, the worst run campaign I’ve ever seen. Everything they do, every decision they’ve made is wrong. The whole platform is “Trump Bad.” And even with the MSM propping Kamala up, she still manages to do or say something dumb every day.