Oct 18, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

??? My parents had to buy a newspaper because I was way beyond "Jack and Jill" before I started in Infants they tell me. That a child should leave school semi-literate is criminal. Nay, capital criminal. A book is freedom. A book is how you know to call BS on the NYT. If children haven't got the basics you shouldn't be teaching, you should be sat in a gaol cell.

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One wonders when people finally will understand:

1. Illiterate, innumerate, unemployable people will vote D forever for the handouts.

2. This is in the best interests of the D party and will not change.

3. Ed School students are the lowest-IQ students in any university, the “dregs of the student population,” per the then-Dean of the B/C School of Ed (1984 - nothing’s changed).

4. When JFK legalized public unions via EO10988, he did so to ensure both bipartisan tax dollars flowing to D campaigns, and to ensure no one was taught to actually think: if they did they’d not vote D.

The collapse of education in the US has been the goal of the political establishment forever. It won’t change.

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