This is totally correct and it's unfortunate that more people are not aware of it. The various media peddle a stream of unending divisive us vs. them rhetoric, and magnify differences by focusing on the worst representatives of "the other side". In addition, words and actions of opponents are taken out of context, framed inaccurately or flat out misquoted. Relevant facts that don't support the narrative being pushed by the media organization are omitted (and often unknown to presenters and pundits since the habit of understanding one's opponents position is not practiced, despite this being an obvious duty that any news person ought to engage in).

People have no idea of how much their thoughts about "the other side" are manufactured for them by dishonest and lazy media who don't do their actual job which is presenting the totality of the picture on any topic in a thorough and objective manner, equipping people to make up their own minds.

Liberal people often object (justly) that Fox News sometimes reports stories inaccurately. But they have no idea how much the media they trust are even worse.

We are in a rough moment in this country and each person can decide whether they are going to be on the side of good by thinking independently and studying out the positions of their opponents, and by treating opponents the same way they would like to be treated, or just surrender to toxic emotions and simplistic hate narratives.

It is astounding how few people can see this is happening, but as you note hatred of "the other" has psychological motivations.

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Amen to your entire comment. I'm not perfect but I try my best to be factual and not perpetuate what I complain about. I think it's necessary if we're going to have a remotely trustworthy media.

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Agreed.I try to do my part by being reasonable w/people who have a different perspective when I'm commenting . Being part of the solution.

Would be great if people came to understand what a bad job the media are doing and hiw much their thoughts are shaped by it (politicians do it too, obviously).

Would be amazing if a major news organization arose which did relentlessly objective and thorough reporting

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We've made life too easy; human psyche needs a villain. Before Trump, who didn't this person pin all their hatred on?

My ex was the same way; first, her job was the problem, then when she stopped working, it was where we lived. After we moved, then it was me. Each time these things were fixed, there was another one ready to take it's place, but all along, the problem was in her head and that's the one that she couldn't run from.

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"like a scorned ex-girlfriend"

I say this with a certain degree of sympathy for her, and agreement with you. Speaking as a woman, I would not doubt at all that her vociferous hatred was a transference from a true difficult experience. It's like trauma talking, and he pushes buttons (even unwittingly or innocently) for all kinds of people

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I don't know in great detail but I know she's been hurt.

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By the way, with regard to the rest of your article, I have a psychiatrist friend who is used to working tough public hospitals and jails. He says that people who are unstable to begin with really get pushed along by *whatever* public thing is going on -- be it Hillary or Trump in 2016. So, to your point, people who are emotionally unbalanced can be pushed into all kinds of extreme behavior by public rhetoric extremes

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This is a very helpful take on the hate we are surrounded by. There is a cause & effect issue here that needs to be spotlighted. Thanks Adam.

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Orwell's "Two Minutes Hate":


A daily catharsis, saying our catechisms.

Maybe we should formalize that somehow ... 🤔🙄

Not sure of the roots of that phenomenon -- depraved, or deprived, sensibilities? A desperate need for purpose, as you suggest? Boredom? A devastating or debilitating recognition of our mortality?

Something of a bottomless rabbit hole?But it seems one worth delving into, not least because the "fate of western civilization" -- such as it is -- may well hang in the balance.

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I quite agree. No more evil-casting! It's lazy, and worse, as you point out, it feeds a reward mechanism in our brains. I am an amateur composer, and I know exactly which motifs will elicit which emotional responses. I pick them as deliberately as a painter might select a color. We must guard our minds, and regulate what we allow ourselves to think about. Evil thoughts feed bad emotions, and we can literally become addicted to them.

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Exactly. As a writer, I know what words will make someone feel a particular way. We can easily manipulate people who aren't expecting to be. I'm far more ethical than others.

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Well done Mr. Coleman.

There will be a place for you in my administration.

But not finance.

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Yet again, another very well written and truthful post. 👏❤️

Thank You.

This degree of division never ends well.

Good vs Evil.

God always wins. 🙏❤️

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Thank you

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Makes sense.

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Well said.

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Jul 15
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Both sides are doing it. Notice both sides are telling you who to hate and fear.

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"Both sides", yes, but only one side has the weight of big tech, big government, big corporations, and big entertainment behind it. What we need to avoid is a swing in the opposite direction that passes through the center point.

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Jul 15Edited
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Not to discount your point that (it seems to me) liberal ideas enjoy some cultural hegemony in media and entertainment (if that's what you're saying, I'm not totally clear on that). But people from both sides are being suckered into these tribal thinking patterns because human nature is the same no matter what side you're on.

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Jul 15
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We are pretty much on the same page here.

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