May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Good clip. I appreciate you and the civility, fairness and truthfulness you bring to all the arguments. You help me to slow my roll about things and to figure out how to articulate what I mean in all of this madness.

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Thank you. It means alot to me. I like having people not get caught up in the emotions of politics so they can think clearer.

My secret is that I don't take politics personally 98 percent of the time. It's like talking about sports to me.

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Overall that was great Adam, but especially relating your Mom’s thoughts to the audience. They always tell writers to “write about what you know,” and you certainly did that with the comment about your Mom’s take on Trump. She’s a perfect candidate to highlight because she’s not political. So often those in the business of politics, including commentators and other news media, project their own highly political views on the populace as a whole and that presents a false picture of what Americans really think. Your Mom’s thoughts on the subject really help put a stop to that false picture. So, very well done.

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Thank you. I completely agree with you. So many of us notice every little thing that happens that most people will never hear about.

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I disagree with your perspective about the Morehouse speech. Is it patronizing to sing praises about the struggles of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights era? So what is wrong about memorializing the efforts to educate slaves at Morehouse after the Civil War? Biden wasn't being condescending, he was speaking about facts, about the lower economic status and education "generally" of black people in America, about the blatant racism that exists in law enforcement in America. These are facts and this is what he was pointing to, rallying young people to change this. I can't believe you could back the racism that is so blatant in the Republican Party. And I don't agree with James Baldwin's view of Uncle Tom (if you didn't know he coined the pejorative in a 1948 essay) -- who if people actually read the book they will see that he was the hero of the story, a man too good for mere mortals. You need to get over your pride and view people as people, like MLK strove for -- it's the content of our character that matters.

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It's a day of celebration and they always want to bring up old black struggle stories and pain. Maybe you missed that part of my article.

Secondly, I'm not a Republican...maybe you're new here. Your concept of treating people as people is literally all I talk about.

You're entitled to your opinion but don't assume my motives. I have a body of work that preaches exactly what you claim I don't do.

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But that isn't what Biden's speech was about. You call him a racist, which I think is unfair. Nevertheless, I'm not a Biden fan. I was a supporter of Bernie, who was cheated by the Obama-Hillary-Biden establishment that runs the Democratic party. As for you being a Republican, you had an article entitled, I voted Republican. I probably should've read it before saying you were a Republican.

In any case, I think you misinterpreted the intentions of Biden. It is kind of the like the "Uncle Tom" epithet created by Baldwin. I'm a student of the antebellum period and some years ago when I was doing the research for my Underground Railroad books, I read UTC for the first time. Never read it when I was in school. It surprised me because I didn't see Uncle Tom as being this horrible, submissive person but a loving man. Yes, he submitted but he did it with dignity and not because he felt he was inferior and that was what the theme of the book was about. He cared about people who treated him horribly. He was the better man; if you know about Stowe, her father and brothers were evangelical preachers. The idea of a Christ-like figure was obviously uppermost in her mind when she created Uncle Tom.. But ever since Baldwin's essay we see it differently. It's a matter of perspective and maybe you do have a point. We all need to move on from recalling that awful period of slavery. Seems though the MAGA people want to bring it back.

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I call Biden a racist because of a long history of statements and actions, not just because of this one event. I think there is something fundamentally wrong when in a moment of celebration, black people must be reminded of historical pain or someone else's trauma who happens to be black. I'd had a problem if Biden or anyone else said it. I wrote an article about Fanni Willis using the black church for victimhood and hiding from accountability. The church isn't there for that. He used their moment for an campaign event type speech which is shameful.

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Yes, I agree about the time and place for that speech. It was very political. However, I don't think Biden is a racist. He's a white liberal brought up in a racist country. I myself have had my psyche tainted by it despite having been in a long-term interracial relationship. One time when I mentioned that in a situation which had some difference of opinion along racial lines, I was labeled a racist. I also was labeled a racist by an historian because I said he mischaracterized Levi Coffin's caution about interracial marriages. It's a power dynamic. America was founded on racism and it's hard to be brought up here not to be affected by it, no matter your race., and hard to fathom that after all these years, it's still here.

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That's fine, you don't have to agree with me. I don't agree with your characterization about America as a whole but that's your prerogative.

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You're right, that's our prerogative. In any case, it's always good to see others' perspectives because that's how we grow. But I do understand your side, too. My ancestors were illiterate peasant farmers in southern Italy.

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