Appreciate this interview. I like his spiciness. Fun person to have a beer with. I liked your other interview with doctor as well.

After listening to Herbert Marcuse and others , I realized this isn’t Stalinism it is Maoism. So glad others are thinking the same. But it’s Maoism, technocracy, and feudalism for a 3.0 of sorts. I am convinced the reparations talks are they way to guaranteed income for everyone whether you want it or not. It will destroy everything. And the best and brightest will stop coming to the US. Would people like Vivek Ramaswamy’s parents still want to come to the US? I wouldn’t. I would look elsewhere and most likely somewhere in Africa. Our standard of living will crash. The intellectuals and the compassionate ones are useful idiots.


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The more I learn of Agenda 2030 and additional documents. The more I see the trouble. The equity coming is a twisted sense of fascism, where there will be at a base income. It is attuned to the working poor. The time of upward mobility is gone. There will be the rich and everyone else.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

They're Maoists! Exactly! The socialist/communist takeover is not even subtle. "Peaceful" protesters after 2020 often have Party for Socialism posters and include armed Antifa militants. The mob insists on things like land acknowledgments, a precursor to giving land back, reparations for slavery, another form of wealth redistribution, and abolishing police which is classic Marxism. Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine described right wing takeovers in the wake of catastrophe but it seems like a blueprint for what the left has done post pandemic & George Floyd. In true Little Red Book style, Kendi, DiAngelo and DEI have brainwashed a good percentage of our most educated youth. What will it take before middle America starts taking this authoritarian threat seriously?

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I would gladly have lunch with this man! Love his passion, humanity, and intelligence. Could you imagine how much better the USA would be if voices like HIS were heard daily in the major media outlets?

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Thanks for this, Adam. As you know, I have long maintained that the entire Woke agenda translates into a pernicious and deliberate class war against middle class people of all colors worldwide. It isn't about racism, just as it isn't about gender or climate change or disinformation. It's about class.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Author

Indeed. I'm glad you enjoyed the clip. You'll like the full episode.

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Very cool preview. Isaiah is one of my favorites on Twitter; I expect the full conversation will be great fun!

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It was a really good conversation. You won't be disappointed.

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It is going to be a great episode, Adam.

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I'm biased but I agree lol

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Dudes making sense is a winner, sir.

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