"It’s no surprise that Facebook, Nike fell for DEI con artist who preyed on fear of being called racist"
My Latest NY Post Article
Article Link - https://nypost.com/2024/05/17/opinion/no-surprise-facebook-nike-fell-for-dei-con-artist-who-preyed-on-racism-fears/
I had the opportunity to write about Facebook and Nike’s former DEI manager who stole millions of dollars from them through fake invoices and how DEI in Corporate America is the new romance where they are desperate for a connection, becoming their greatest vulnerability.
Give it a read when you can. Thank you for your support!
“We fall for scams when we become so desperate for an outcome that we’re willing to suspend belief and overlook common sense”
I believe many are more willing to fall for this the more attractive the con artist. Holmes and the above, Furlow-Smiles, are both great examples.