“We fall for scams when we become so desperate for an outcome that we’re willing to suspend belief and overlook common sense”

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I believe many are more willing to fall for this the more attractive the con artist. Holmes and the above, Furlow-Smiles, are both great examples.

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I agree

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Another well-written and relevant piece. Kudos! The larger message--of which I am sure you agree--is that DEI is a new-fangled edition of its parent scam, Marxism.

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May 20Liked by Adam B. Coleman

This happens all the time in corporate companies but we never hear about it, the individuals who do it are often quietly gotten rid of & even giving a nice settlement just so they stay quiet & go away. My guess is that this is an election year & one side is trying to walk back a lot of their extreme points of view & featured this story so they get votes.

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

AND she put all their smiles on furlow

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman


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Yes, exactly. Great article.

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

You are so right…

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Interested in your thoughts on this perspective:

Black Lives Matter sentiment is essentially a militant expression of racial liberalism. Such expressions are not a threat but rather a bulwark to the neoliberal project that has obliterated the social wage, gutted public sector employment and worker pensions, undermined collective bargaining and union power, and rolled out an expansive carceral apparatus— all developments that have adversely affected black workers and communities. Sure, some activists are calling for defunding police departments and decarceration, but as a popular slogan, "Black Lives Matter" is a cry for full recognition within the established terms of liberal democratic capitalism. And the ruling class agrees.

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A professor on YT discusses Peter Singer's "Effective Altruism," in which you must forgo a luxury item, even a small one, and send it to an NGO to prevent famine. And if you fail to do so, you are immoral and a bad person. Wisely comments were turned off because it is a stupid concept. Not only are all these administrative bodies very bad - like DEI - at helping situations, they often inflate them. While they also allow lots of grifters to take their cut. Then the whole thing becomes a dishonest business. The coffee I buy says it comes from a collective farm owned by women. If what is stated on the package is true, my purchase helps women direct their own lives instead of an administrative body doing so. And while Ms. Smiles was a con artist, her artistry pales in comparison to Sam Bankman-Fried. His efforts were like a boomerang that flung cash overseas and had it come back here washed of its "sins."

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Dude I worked with at Microsoft set up a fake production company and did the same. White techbro. Unrelated to diversity.

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Enjoyed the article! The horrific part of the DEI movement is that it's happening in the medical field. When merit is not your primary concern. People get hurt or die. Built into the sham is that to point it out is racist.

What no one wants to talk about but should, is that DEI is illegally discriminating against whites, especially heterosexual white men. Why do we let this happen? It's raw racism & sexism. These men who are being discriminating against have done nothing wrong. They may have worked long hours and sacrificed everything to get a particular job or promotion. They have families that count on them. The more DEI hires that get promoted to positions of power, the more they promote their own. This is blatant hypocrisy.

Many people have forgotten than Jesse Jackson was the grandfather of the racist grift. As far back as the 80's I believe, he would approach CEOs at large corporations and threaten to go to the news or protest. He would claim the company was racist UNLESS they hired blacks into positions of power. Of course, the key to the grift was that they had to hire his friends. Who would then give him kickbacks from their lucrative salaries. The facade he operated behind was the Rainbow Coalition. How disarming is that.

Al Sharpton was his protege & was a frequent visitor to the White House under Obama. One of the common denominators between Jackson, Sharpton & DEI representatives is playing on the vanity of elite whites. Particularly females. As our society & corporations become more matriarchal. This trend will continue. It's a winning formula for the race hustlers. It hurts everyone in our country.

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Don’t be racist asshole and there is no need to be afraid. You miss the days when nobody called you on it, amirite?

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It’s Marxism Satan or DEI destroying America! Never what you Russian sock puppets see in the mirror.

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Give black people their reparations, and fuck affirmative action and DEI! 20 black ministers met with General Sherman after the end of the Civil War to address the plight of freed slaves with no land, no animals, etc. The ministers felt that blacks should be allocated 40 acres and an army mule -- with the land from the coast of North Carolina down to the coast of Georgia. They didn't want to live with among whites because of the racism -- wanting to be left alone. However, this plan didn't materialize due to the assassination of Lincoln and succeeding president with Southern roots who ended reconstruction.

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That was 160 years ago. Let's go back 200 years to the native people. You can give them your house and money. Why not go back 250 years ago when Irish were treated as property. This in NO way diminishes the evil of slavery, but it's a grift to capitalize on this today.

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What about the 400-year-old white headstart program in America? Europeans migrated to America for free stuff: 2 billion acres of free Indian land issued by the government, plus abundant free African labor. The Anglo-Saxons placed the 'rednecks' from Ireland further to the west and in the southern wilderness as a buffer group with Native Americans. Professor Grady McWhiney, who wrote the book, "CRACKER CULTURE - Celtic Ways in the Old South," describes the process above.

The southern Antebellum cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in certain backward parts of Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Frederick Douglas visited Ireland during the 1850 potato famine, wherein 1 million Irish died. The Anglo-Saxons did not assist the Irish. Nevertheless, Douglas observed problems with drunkards, extensive poverty, and (different sexual practices contrary to Anglo-Saxons in New England) among Ireland's general population. Illegitimate birthrates were prevalent.

Fredrick Douglas was quietly opposed to Irish immigrants coming to America, concerned about them competing for jobs with freed Blacks in the north. The Anglo-Saxons didn’t consider the Irish ethnic group, like the Italians, white until the early 1900s. Early Irish, Italians, and Jews became involved in organized crime to survive. The Irish increasingly dominated the police departments, Italians dominated the fire departments, and the Jews became prevalent in civil service and business.

Whites also received the following generous government handouts that initially excluded Blacks:

The Indian Removal Act

The Homestead Act

The Naturalization Act

The Social Security Act

The GI Education Bill

The Wagner Act

Federal Housing Administration

Housing subsidies.

Social Security Actin

Government welfare.


Legacy admissions.


Racism is a competitive relationship between groups for ownership and control of resources for wealth and power. Blacks only own less than 1/2 of 1% of the wealth in this country, which hasn't changed since the eve of the American Civil War. Racism is a power relationship between groups for which Europeans got affirmative/headstart programs. Whites own and control 90% of the wealth in this country (dictate the game). Moreover, white women and undocumented immigrants are the greatest benefactors of affirmative action today.

BTW, Native Americans have been receiving reparations (remedy through the courts) since the Indian Treaty of 1866, and tribes have some degrees of sovereignty. Moreover, the five civilized tribes owned black slaves, and fought for the Confederacy. One Confederate general was full-blooded Cherokee.

And, indentured servants were not chattel -- 7-year contracts, and children weren't born into slavery. Lol!

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Wow! I applaud your effort. Sincerely. Have you read Thomas Sowells "Black Rednecks and White Liberals". Ultimately, No one owes us anything unless we earn it. Thats real life. We should be grateful for the gift of being born a US citizen. Ask any of the illegal immigrants that sell everything they own except the clothes on their back. They put their life in jeopardy by making the long dangerous trip to cross our border. There're grateful for what many of our citizens take for granted.

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Why was she not prosecuted by FB? Why just fired?

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May 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I'd really like to know this also. I would love more of a deep dive into this story. I think a deeper article could be one of those articles that gets sold to hollywood in a few years when the pendulum, as it always does, swings back.

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I don't remember the timeline but I don't know if they found out she was stealing prior to her leaving.

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