Luxury Beliefs Result In Uncomfortable Outcomes (for the poor)
The closure of a San Francisco community's only supermarket and the dogma that led to it
When upper-class leftists tell you that you should give leniency to criminal behavior & accept vagrancy, the people who will suffer the most are the poor & working class (especially minorities).
This Safeway closure was a destined outcome of their luxury beliefs.
Throughout the U.S. in major cities, we've watched as retailers have gone through extraordinary measures to deter theft from happening. It used to be that there was a black market for specific items like cigarettes, requiring an associate to retain them from a secure location.
However, now what's happened is that basic items like soaps and toothpaste are being locked away as a final step to slow down the rampant theft. This activity comes at a cost of revenue and at some point, retailers would rather relocate instead of continuing to operate at a loss.
Grocery stores in particular are notorious for operating on tight margins as it is and for each item that a shoplifter deems as theirs, they are adding to the demoralization of the retailer and weakening their resilience to remain as an integral part of a community.
So, how did we get here? I believe a large part of it is because of the ideological framework perpetrated mostly by upper-class leftist ideologues, whether they be activists, politicians, district attorneys, or academics: they all play a part.
By understanding that a leftist's entire belief system revolves around there being a constant oppressor versus oppressed narrative, leaving out any form of nuance because it's ultimately religious dogma, you'll understand why they are behaving counter to common sense.
The "system" oppresses anyone that comes in contact with it. Whether it be the government or capitalism itself, they believe their main objective is to oppress. So, stealing from a business, a symbol of Capitalism translates into behaving like Robin Hood: thieves are now heroes.
The criminal is the counter-reaction to an oppressive society, and taking from anything capitalistic is much like reparations to them. However, the people who believe this the most aren't the ones who usually suffer the consequences of these luxury beliefs.
When criminals leave jail, they don't take refuge in gated communities; they live amongst people who are barely getting by. When leftist district attorneys give criminals a “slap on the wrist” for their behavior, they're signaling that they accept it when they terrorize the poor.
However, criminal activity only becomes a problem when it trickles over to the nice part of town because bad things aren't supposed to happen there. Homeless vagrants are supposed to piss on your street, not theirs. Crime only becomes a problem when it affects the cul-de-sacs.
Crime typically becomes a topic of concern when it bleeds over into the places where people least expect it to occur. This is the only time when elitists in government will suddenly reconvene to discuss a crime problem: it was always a problem, it just didn't affect them.
Defunding the police only makes sense when you aren't inundated with criminal activity and you don't live next to community terrorists. No one in their right mind can look at the guy who's stealing from them and interpret them as victims of an oppressive system: they're thieves.
Luxury beliefs always result in uncomfortable outcomes and this closure of a San Francisco Safeway that serves a predominantly Black and Asian community will have the fingerprints of dogmatic leftists on the doors when they close for the last time.
I wish people would wake up and realize that liberals and progressives and whatever else they call themselves do not care about them at all. We’re seeing it in the so-called sanctuary cities where the poor and disadvantaged are being forced out in favor of illegal immigrants. The mayors of these cities can cry racism all they want, but the fact remains that people are starting to notice. Whether it makes a difference at the ballot box remains to be seen.
For how long do we stand back and watch our elite class fail? What is the breaking point? Are we close? I’d have zero issues with progressive policies if they worked - but they don’t and the evidence is all around us. Worse, in order to cover for their policy failures they are becoming authoritarian and censorial. All of this leads to civilization decline. You are going to have to be very rich to safeguard yourself from the effects of societal collapse. Is that the plan?