In this episode, I go into more depth about my Substack article “I was Red-Pilled By A British Conservative”, detailing my political state of mind at the time, how exactly I ended up meeting him, and the impact he made on my life.
Well said. As I have on my (search ban/search suggestion/ghost ban) Twitter account bio, “Logic, Reason, and Reality exist whether you believe or not.”
We should all want the truth presented over deception in areas of society that affects the public. Crime rates, the economy, foreign policy, and legislation need to be examined with objectivity, or at least a headset of non-bias towards the subject at hand.
The statements on not being ‘Married to a Political Party’ and having ‘Consistent Principles’ cannot be repeated enough. While I do not think the two-party political system we have is altogether healthy for the country, an individual should not be put on the spot and feel the need to declare unyielding fealty to the democrats or republicans. One should be able to agree with an idea or policy without being called a MAGA Wingnut, or Liberal Loon. This odd practice of using Ad Hominen fallacy instead of actual debate of positions does not further the conversation, or produce any useful information.
Follow Principles, not People or Parties.
Independent is what I would describe myself as well these days. The polarization and tribalism has reached new highs in the 21st century, with it spurred on by our 24/7 mainstream media companies-better ratings of course.
Mr. Coleman,
Well said. As I have on my (search ban/search suggestion/ghost ban) Twitter account bio, “Logic, Reason, and Reality exist whether you believe or not.”
We should all want the truth presented over deception in areas of society that affects the public. Crime rates, the economy, foreign policy, and legislation need to be examined with objectivity, or at least a headset of non-bias towards the subject at hand.
The statements on not being ‘Married to a Political Party’ and having ‘Consistent Principles’ cannot be repeated enough. While I do not think the two-party political system we have is altogether healthy for the country, an individual should not be put on the spot and feel the need to declare unyielding fealty to the democrats or republicans. One should be able to agree with an idea or policy without being called a MAGA Wingnut, or Liberal Loon. This odd practice of using Ad Hominen fallacy instead of actual debate of positions does not further the conversation, or produce any useful information.
Follow Principles, not People or Parties.
Independent is what I would describe myself as well these days. The polarization and tribalism has reached new highs in the 21st century, with it spurred on by our 24/7 mainstream media companies-better ratings of course.