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A word I didn't heat in Rita's interview of Adam is one that is heavily overworked in today's environment- "inclusive." It's thrown around a lot in any mention of males competing in women's sports.

The Olympics aren't supposed to be "inclusive." They're supposed to be the elite, the truly elite athletes- the world-class athletes.

Rita's question about participation trophies went right to the heart of the matter. Those taking offense at the well-deserved ridicule of RayGun have a view of the Olympics that is destructive. If they convince people RayGun is an Olympic-caliber athlete, the wokesters will do to the the Olympics what they're doing to every other traditional institution- destroy it.

Don't be fooled. They cloak what they're doing with a lot of flowery, high-minded-sounding language about stuff like inclusion and tolerance. Their aim is to destroy..

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