God bless Phil even though he is three years late. The data was there from day one.

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I'm glad he's saying something though.

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Absolutely! Not knocking him at all, I am knocking the rest of us who didn't resist.

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I hear you!

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Mar 10Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I resisted at every stage possible, but was drowned out. But I tried my best.

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Stay strong, buddy.

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Going on the View with opposing viewpoints must be like entering a Witches' Coven. But the truth strikes home. Maybe next time he can bring a pail of water and see if they melt.

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One of the interesting outcomes of the Great Covid Dumpster Fire™, and this outcome continues even today, almost four years later, is this. There has been a plethora of famous people who, somewhat unexpectedly, stepped up against some portion of the lunacy, often publicly. Dr. Phil is now one of those people, for whatever that is worth. His appearance on The View was damned-near legendary!

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I will state that no school children died from covid. Testing positive for some virus on the body does not equal death. Rubella can kill a child and damage a developing fetus but isn't dangerous to adults. Maybe we should shut society down when some adults test positive for carrying rubella so we can keep children safe. The flu kills babies and the elderly, yet I've never heard the creatures on the View, or any of the other soulless lunatics advocating to shut society down for either of the above. Thank you for writing about this!

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Mar 1Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Agree 100%. My daughter spent the last quarter of junior year and ALL of senior year at home. The counselors had my cell phone number, and they would text me that she was not in class. I would go to her room and find her asleep. There were a handful of students that thrived, but not mine. By the end of senior year, she was failing all her classes. She was smart enough to pull it up to straight "D"s. I was so angry, I finally started to get sassy. I told the school to bring the kids in, and that I would be asleep too if I had to be 100% online, and it is clear that the kids weren't dying of covid. And, honestly, if your child for some reason was high risk, then that child could do online. Why would we do what we did when most kids didn't even know they had covid? Finally, you could attend, but it wasn't worth it. Hardly a soul there and not taking or socializing was allowed. I allowed her to socialize with all her friends and to go out and see them whenever she wanted. I told her to go and live her life, that she wasn't going to die of covid and that we (older parents 64) would not die either. And I told her, this is a risk I want to take, because I care about your mental health above all else. And let's be clear: by 2021 we pretty much knew that very few healthy people died of covid, unless of course you were intubated, which was the biggest mistake of all. We used to live in Illinois, but the way the state handled it was more than I could bear

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Feb 29Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I could never trust a word out of his mouth after knowing people who have suffered, I mean worked for him. He is a performer and that is it. He is probably saying this now because he can and is selling a book. Sorry I know people will probably disagree but he is just as much a talk head as the rest of these chatterboxes. I do feel bad for all those that were willing to say all this during the lockdowns and lost so much because of it.

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Are you saying no children died from COVID? What an arrogant woman! Even as the belt of truth is whooping their ass, they still must defend the lie.

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Feb 29Liked by Adam B. Coleman

@adambcoleman thank you for writing this and keeping the light on the immense harm that public officials caused to our children. They want to move on and cover-up what they did, which is exactly why we must continue to demand a reckoning. If you’re interested, here is some coverage of my personal battle with the corrupt public officials in my school district - https://open.substack.com/pub/chrisbray/p/resisting-the-lets-move-on-pivot?r=8m9hq&utm_medium=ios and https://thefederalist.com/2023/10/25/why-domestic-terrorists-like-me-cant-forget-public-school-covid-tyranny/

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My pleasure.

Keep fighting the good fight

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Whoopi was told by the little bug in her ear to cut Dr Phil off

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Feb 29Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Wow. That clip was beautiful, as was the article that showcased it. Yes, there are definitely people who need to be held accountable for their actions and that accountability should be proportionate to the harm done.

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