Your Post article was right on. Reminded me of Thomas Sowell's quote, "When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination."

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Thank you. Yes, that's a great and accurate quote by Sowell.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

That article is 🔥

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Thank you

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Every day is Christmas for the Wu Gang Clan

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"Wu Gang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with"


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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Adam, just plain great. I feel like your finding your stride, man! Please keep dreaming, planning, reading, researching, making notes for books and articles, sir!

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Thank you. I sure will.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Great article! Well conveyed points made.

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Thank you

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It is interesting that Wu, like the mayor of Oakland in California, aligns herself with the oppressed. From my understanding, Asians represent the entitled, often coming from two-parent homes that push for them to excel. On top of this, Asians accumulate more financial resources than other groups, including whites. Those like Wu are representative of Nietzsche's Will to Power. It is all about power; whatever means they can obtain it is legitimate. This includes taking tax money from the people who built the great city and then excluding them. There is another name for that - tyrant.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Most asians are viewed as entitled by most especially by minorities. They were all "Chinese", no matter where there parents were from, they were the kids who got good grades in school and who a lot of kids sat next to during class to copy off their tests and never had behavior problems or pissed the teacher off. You don't see to many homeless asians either they are a model minority, they get played by a lot of people because they are seen as dutiful, submissive to authority figures and hard working. I suspect Mayor Wu knows all this and wants people to like her especially the ones who can make problems and would do the same things if it was the other way around.

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Oh no , realized people might have thought I was being disparaging against Asians. That is farthest from my intent. Asians deserve all their success. It is why I like Vivek. He is faithful to his religion and appreciates the philosophy that founded the country. I have just noticed this weird thing with young Asian women where they want to align with the oppressed.

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I am sure most people know you were not disparaging them, most Asians I know of lean to the right, they come from parts of the world where things like communism or other corrupt governments are a thing, they are generally very traditional but I do see some who go "woke" and when they do they go full max.

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Great column Adam. The bottom line is that one cannot defeat racism against one group by being racist against another group. To anyone with at least a room temperature IQ the reasons for that should be obvious. As you point out, such a thought process and consequent behavior is common amongst so-called "progressives," who really are "regressive." There is nothing remotely progressive about them. You also highlight facts that indicate how self-absorbed and narcissistic such people are...its always about them and their feelings.

One other thing that occurred to me while reading your column was the concept that racism today needs "defeating." I would suggest that institutional racism has largely been defeated, yet regressives continue to act as if this were 1933 or 1947 or 1958 and democrats were still up to their old Jim Crow tricks on a daily basis. As to the thought that we can stop personal, individual racism through government action, well, that's some windmill that somebody wants to tilt at. Good luck with that. The only thing that will stop individual, personal racism is Jesus Christ. No secular government will ever manage that.

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I wonder if the guests to the party arrived wearing white sheets and pointy white hats that covered their faces. I wonder if the festivities included burning a cross in the public square.

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I would actually got to that party simply to laugh my guts out as an observer.

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I guess she doesn't like being white adjacent by "society's" standards and wants the put the A in BIPOC? They get all the fun at work, school and grant money. Homegirl, they don't want you. She knows it too, she knows they see her as entitled and she probably does this event to pander, probably out of fear, pretending to grovel around people don't make them like you, I don't think she gets that, they might be obnoxious but they aren't dumb, and she figures some catered food and acting like she hates the white man too makes them like her, it doesn't. Typical politician. I'm sure she would do it the other way if she could. Minorities in government ain't special, they are the majority, ever been to the permit office or DMV? A veritable rainbow of color. Notice how no one from the party is coming to her defense much. I do gotta wonder how many racial industrial complex types helped her win office and now she has to pay back their efforts with this stuff.

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" email rescinded", "honest mistake." Things you say after you get busted for doing something you shouldn't have done. When did white stop being a color? Why does it seem as if black and brown are the only colors in the box of crayons that matter? Maybe I should move to Boston and run for mayor. Seems anyone can get elected there. Oh my bad I didn't graduate from Harvard.

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Think of the millions of Christians who have (and still do) celebrated Christmas hidden in catacombs or mud-daubed cabins, segregated in myriad ways, perhaps on pain of death, living secretly or as slaves, who prayed for His promise to be fulfilled: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"

And then consider the conceit of these people; a conceit born and suckled by comfort and arrogance.

Nevertheless, I must pray for them.

Merry Christmas, Adam.

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