And black democrat voters will never see it, or if they do, they dismiss it without a second thought...because only republicans are racist...or something.
Her comments were beyond condescending. I can’t even be mad because it was so stupid that I’m laughing. That was a great article and an even greater tweet.
This is what democrats have always thought of Americans of African descent.
I am reading "Grant" by Ron Chernow and it is always good to brush up on the radical racism of democrats and how President Andrew Johnson(democrat) completely hindered reconstruction.
Hochul is so smugnorant it makes my head spin. I'm a native Brooklynite, but I don't know how much longer I can hold on. This city is driving us all insane. For my own sanity and my kids' future, I think it's time to go 🙄
Great job pointing out the "soft bigotry of low expectations" Adam! That said, another democrat politician told us that "poor kids were as smart as white kids". I really wish they'd get their talking points in order.
Wasn't there a time when a president was called out because he didn't know the price of a gallon of milk. I believe it was George H.W. Bush, yet this crazed NY governor will handle the backlash and then get re-elected, with major support from black and brown voters, who were capable of obtaining proper ID.
Oh my Adam, what a gem this is. I have often argued that the democrats accuse others, like Conservatives and Republicans (not always the same thing), of being what those democrats see when they look in the mirror. Racism, sexism, name your favorite "-ism" du jour. Those accusations come from what the democrats see in themselves. They do it as a way of cleansing themselves, like going to confession...sort of. "If I can just attack racism and work to eradicate it from the world maybe I won't be so racist" they think silently to themselves.
You have so many good lines in this column but this is one of my favorites: "It makes me wonder: How deep does the pit of Democratic condescension go?" That is an excellent question. On a slightly wider lane, how deep does the pit of Democrat XXXX go? A recent example of that is Democrat anti-Semitism. After October 7th it became very clear that the center of anti-Semitism in America resides in the democrat party, reaching all the way to where the buck purportedly stops, Joe Biden's desk. After about 5 minutes of condemning Hamas the democrats reverted to their true form and started lecturing Israel, making false accusations that the IDF violated international law...when it clearly did not...and trying to put shackles on the Israeli ability to defend itself and protect it's people. It also became clear that the political group that truly supports Israel, Jews and Jewish issues is, ironically, the heavily Christian Republican Conservatives.
So black and Jewish Americans have a decision to make in 2024. Where should they go politically? I think the best option is somewhere in-between. Don't be a reliable voter for ANY party. I'm in the same boat with the founding fathers who warned against political parties. While conservative philosophically, I certainly don't think the Republicans are always the answer, especially the uni-party GOP. The answer for black and Jewish Americans and even for conservative Americans, is to make the parties compete for my vote. Competition is always good. It brings the cream to the top where you want it. Make the GOP and democrats compete for Black and Jewish votes and see what that brings in terms of real benefits and real opportunity, rather than handout scraps from the table that the democrats use to keep their voting bloc in line.
I love this Adam because it says so much about so much, far beyond the immediate issue of democrat arrogance and condescension toward black Americans. Make whatever party or candidate you vote for earn it. If they don't do what you want after election day then immediately switch horses. The horses will learn and change their behavior and we'll all be better off for it.
The casual racism of Democrats is so widespread.
And black democrat voters will never see it, or if they do, they dismiss it without a second thought...because only republicans are racist...or something.
Even Democrats have called her out. This one stung majorly.
She’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the marquee.
And white democrats will never see it, because they are smart saviors.
Democrats treat black people as helpless pets, rather than human beings.
Keep doing what you're doing Adam.
Her comments were beyond condescending. I can’t even be mad because it was so stupid that I’m laughing. That was a great article and an even greater tweet.
It's so wild to me yet hilarious
This is what democrats have always thought of Americans of African descent.
I am reading "Grant" by Ron Chernow and it is always good to brush up on the radical racism of democrats and how President Andrew Johnson(democrat) completely hindered reconstruction.
Hochul is so smugnorant it makes my head spin. I'm a native Brooklynite, but I don't know how much longer I can hold on. This city is driving us all insane. For my own sanity and my kids' future, I think it's time to go 🙄
Great job pointing out the "soft bigotry of low expectations" Adam! That said, another democrat politician told us that "poor kids were as smart as white kids". I really wish they'd get their talking points in order.
Wasn't there a time when a president was called out because he didn't know the price of a gallon of milk. I believe it was George H.W. Bush, yet this crazed NY governor will handle the backlash and then get re-elected, with major support from black and brown voters, who were capable of obtaining proper ID.
Oh my Adam, what a gem this is. I have often argued that the democrats accuse others, like Conservatives and Republicans (not always the same thing), of being what those democrats see when they look in the mirror. Racism, sexism, name your favorite "-ism" du jour. Those accusations come from what the democrats see in themselves. They do it as a way of cleansing themselves, like going to confession...sort of. "If I can just attack racism and work to eradicate it from the world maybe I won't be so racist" they think silently to themselves.
You have so many good lines in this column but this is one of my favorites: "It makes me wonder: How deep does the pit of Democratic condescension go?" That is an excellent question. On a slightly wider lane, how deep does the pit of Democrat XXXX go? A recent example of that is Democrat anti-Semitism. After October 7th it became very clear that the center of anti-Semitism in America resides in the democrat party, reaching all the way to where the buck purportedly stops, Joe Biden's desk. After about 5 minutes of condemning Hamas the democrats reverted to their true form and started lecturing Israel, making false accusations that the IDF violated international law...when it clearly did not...and trying to put shackles on the Israeli ability to defend itself and protect it's people. It also became clear that the political group that truly supports Israel, Jews and Jewish issues is, ironically, the heavily Christian Republican Conservatives.
So black and Jewish Americans have a decision to make in 2024. Where should they go politically? I think the best option is somewhere in-between. Don't be a reliable voter for ANY party. I'm in the same boat with the founding fathers who warned against political parties. While conservative philosophically, I certainly don't think the Republicans are always the answer, especially the uni-party GOP. The answer for black and Jewish Americans and even for conservative Americans, is to make the parties compete for my vote. Competition is always good. It brings the cream to the top where you want it. Make the GOP and democrats compete for Black and Jewish votes and see what that brings in terms of real benefits and real opportunity, rather than handout scraps from the table that the democrats use to keep their voting bloc in line.
I love this Adam because it says so much about so much, far beyond the immediate issue of democrat arrogance and condescension toward black Americans. Make whatever party or candidate you vote for earn it. If they don't do what you want after election day then immediately switch horses. The horses will learn and change their behavior and we'll all be better off for it.