A friend sent a NY Post article on the new clothing line aimed at women. Did I spot you as one of the models along with Chloe Cole? As dark as the world often seems, these new relationships are based on values and not ideology which is a re-set I can go along with.

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Apr 5Liked by Adam B. Coleman

In the 80's, democrats were "soft on crime". Now the leftists have just gone full on "PRO-crime".

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Apr 5Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Votes matter and party identity is dragging us down. There are some good intentions on both sides, but when voters obsessively identify with having a "D" or "R" next to their name and nothing else matters, the party establishments understand this and can do whatever they want.

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I believe some sort of prison reform needs to occur. People in prison for petty crimes end up being around hardened criminals. People are let out of prison and the system is not favorable to getting them assimilated back into to society so they end up back in prison. Having said that, being soft on crime and criminals is not the answer. Sacrificing innocent citizens, with no bail laws, releasing repeat violent offenders and handcuffing law enforcement makes no sense. As you clearly state, these issues won't matter until it lands in the neighborhoods of the rich and powerful. I read the opposite opinion on this matter by Lauren- Brooke Eisen. Her approach is a lot of elites sitting in boardrooms in skyscrapers, with armed guards out side, coming up with ways to make crime and criminal punishment fair. She and her cronies are against trying 17-year-olds as adults in Louisiana because research on brain development illustrates that the human brain is not completely formed until the age of 25, so decision-making abilities of young people aren't fully mature until then. I wonder if this same research applies to 7 year old's being able to decide their gender, or is that decision making come from a more mature side of the brain. Asking for a 17 year old repeat violent offender who wants to transition.

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Hah, I have been arguing the same thing since this craziness emerged. You can't have it both ways. If children are deemed mature enough to change genders then they are mature to do time as an adult. But that isn't the logic the new left follows. They are closing juvenile centers while empowering children to change genders. Frederich Hayek wrote in Road to Serfdom that this unpredictability is a hallmark of socialism. Decisions are arbitrary which destabilizes the culture.

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Great column Adam. It highlights one thing about lefty democrats that transcends all discussions and arguments about the various pros and cons of democrats vs. republicans...leftist, progressive democrat ideas and plans simply do not work, almost never, and history is replete with examples. I'm not a party guy and often find plenty of fault with the GOP mostly concerning the rationale behind some of their ideas, or the underlying objectives of those ideas, but even if I don't support the underlying rationale or hidden objectives of GOP ideas, they almost always work. But democrat ideas have a long and continuous track record of failure and their dealing with crime and criminals is but one example. After four years of suffering, failure, and relearning lessons that everyone already knew, Oregon democrats recently...and finally...decided to re-criminalize the use and possession of hard drugs. In several arenas democrats are children and simply cannot be trusted with the keys, including anything to do with criminal justice, crime and prosecution, as well as national defense and the military...but that's a commentary for another day.

Thanks again for taking this issue on. No one wants NYC to return to the days of Mayor Dinkins, but it seems like the democrats are working overtime to get there.

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Very happy that you keep getting national coverage. How about a sit down with Thomas Sowell? The crazier things get, the more I understand his wisdom.

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