Well done!

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Adam - the best column you have written. Just superb. So deeply thoughtful yet accessible. You write to communicate, not like some silly writers do to impress themselves with their vocabulary. Its so effective. And I don't mean you dumb things down, but the goal is conveying a message or information, not impressing people. So its accessible to everyone. Its the best writing. And yet you convey some fairly complex thoughts and feelings so well. I really loved it. You articulated the case for people to take a step back and consider a path other than their historical ties to the democrats in such an inviting and clear manner it was really remarkable. I too am glad that I found you. I passed this column on to a demanding email chat group that I am part of because I think my good friends will really like your writing, your perspective and the humanity with which you write. I hope your message makes it out to Black Americans and they consider taking a risk on the GOP and Trump. You make an excellent case.

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Thank you so much for the kind words. Yeah, I felt really good after writing this piece and usually if I feel good, I know it will touch people.

Thank you for passing on the article.

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You are quite talented and insightful. So glad I found you.

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Thank you so much! I appreciate your support.

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Fantastic article, well articulated!

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Thank you!

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Great article. I too wonder what happened to those "blue-dog" democrats; to wit, Democrats used to say regarding abortion, "safe, legal and rare". Republicans could at least agree with the rare part; now though, it's "at any time, without apology". The left has sprinted so far left in such a short time, I don't see how their supporters don't realize the values they've abandoned.

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Thank you. I think some see it but they see the alternative is Trump...they rather the devil they know.

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Good piece. The current state of the republican party is in tatters due to its belief in globalism, but never forget we were formed to abolish slavery. Democrats have always been totalitarian putting people into groups and Americans of African descent(AAD) onto different plantations. Prior to 1960 Harlem was a definition of American prosperity and 80% of AAD families were whole.

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Thank you. The Republican party is a mess behind the scenes. I talk to people in the know and there is a lot of turmoil happening in many state parties.

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Also, the party that advocates for limited government (the government that governs least, governs best), will always be fighting uphill against the party whose sole goal is to amass more power, have more bureaucracy and ultimately more control.

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Generally speaking, republicans work for a living as opposed to being paid by NGO's or other risk averse entities like government who activate against us.

No excuse, but we volunteer our time after a 10 hour work day and taking care of our families while our political enemies(including leading republicans) get paid for 10 hours per day to steal 50% of our income. It is a tough fight and we are glad to have as many people as we can on our side.

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That is an excellent article. The abyss is trying to suck all of us in and the best thing the dems could do for future generations is finish the burning off of the miasma, and then rise from the ashes and rebuild.

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Thank you 😊

I really liked how it turned out.

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Excellent piece! The growing disillusionment with the Democratic party in every demographic is evident in dismal polling numbers we see every week. And your words speak to it. You’ve been successful at not being pigeonholed as “a voice for black people” by instead reaching out to a much wider audience that shares the same frustrations with our aloof political class. You have the big tent your former party abandoned long ago. Keep banging away. A lot of us are thirsty for common sense.

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If Republicans weren't so dead-set against women having control of if and when they have babies, I could vote for them. As it is, I'm stuck voting for Democrats. Like they say, the Democrats may put a woman in a jail cell with a rapist, but they'll never force her to have his baby.

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Most are in the middle, believing in science and limits to prevent a live, feeling baby from being ripped apart. Under both Clinton and Obama, the democrats controlled the senate and the house and could have passed 1st trimester abortion legislation. I believe they chose not to in order to keep this alive and well as their fallback issue to stir up hysteria. You even admit that democrats force incarcerated women to be trapped with rapists, but that it's apparently okay to be raped as long as one has access to abortion. How convenient for the rapist to have democrat/brownshirt-enforced access to his victim. The woman can just keep going back for an abortion after each rape and maybe eventually her uterus will finally give out and she won't have to worry anymore.

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Sad, but true - the Democrats could have legislated this years ago, but they didn't. Both sides throw women under the bus, it's just a question of how far under the bus they'll throw them.

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It's not even a close call between the 2 major parties. There are a few on the right fringes that would love to punish female sexuality endlessly, pregnancy or no pregnancy. But the dems tell us women are toddlers that need until a baby is coming down the birth canal to make up her mind. Dems say females being trapped with a rapist is ok. Dems say females have had civil rights for long enough, just 53 years since Title IX was passed. Time for those females to give up their sports. Is our credit next? Dems say the butchery of children is something to be celebrated. This old-school feminist and lifelong independent registered as a republican last year.

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Even with Republicans putting so many restrictions on abortion that even doctors are afraid to start lifesaving procedures for women before they go septic, or before their ectopic pregnancies rupture? You are braver than I am, then.

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So you’re pro abortion. Got it.

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Yep. Pro-abortion, pro birth control, pro IVF.

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