Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

This is not "sad". Sad is when you lose your preferred gloves, or similar.

This is _evil_. After going through such a childhood, you're mentally broken forever, and will need tens and tens of years or therapy to deal with it.

And if this reaches puberty blockers level, then you can kiss goodbye to having a healthy body, with right bone density, with properly developed muscles and bones.

But hey, the mother got her time in the spotlight. That's all that matters, right?

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

There have been hostage interviews where the hostages have been less stressed out than this poor kid.

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This is very true

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

This child appears under duress and is not expressing his true feelings. I can only imagine how gaslit he is and how afraid he is to not be the articulate, mature, regulated child in front of his mother. I found this interview so unnerving because the power imbalance was so apparent and the interviewer just acted as if everything he was hearing and seeing was so normal. That children are being groomed to play a role as the fantasy child of grieving, ClusterB parents as a cultural movement is devastating.

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It was extremely obvious to me how uncomfortable this child was but they didn't care. Narrative first.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Thank you for saying what needs to be said: there is child abuse on an industrial scale going on by parents, gender-indoctrinating schools, etc.

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My pleasure

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

The sordid mess is created by the victim power bias that has been fabricated.

It’s so much easier to claim some sort of special class of “oppressed minority” out of the continuously expanding alphabet soup of make believe classes than to actually do something worthwhile to be seen as special.

Desperate mothers are fabricating identities for their children because it’s bad to be identified as straight and white.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

If it was just because of the victim power bias and "straight and white" being bad, it seems there would be more fathers going along with these mentally unstable mothers (I use the term loosely) and committing this child abuse. If one looks at videos of "family friendly" drag shows, it seems to be mainly white women dragging little kids to these shows to be indoctrinated. We have 2 psychological malfunctions in our society that are creating this mess, and one is we've let child abuse become legislated and normalized. The other is these (mostly) women (white) have been stunted into developing a normal drive to protect children. I'm reminded of my younger days working for a temp agency for a few months. One job I had for a week was moving furniture around in a children's residential psychiatric facility as remodel work was ongoing. I asked the counselors how many of their patients were there because of abusive homes and they said virtually all of them. They told me the children mostly had no psychiatric problems, so their job consisted of teaching the children coping skills to deal with their crazy parents for when they were eventually returned to their families. Now we openly celebrate child abuse. I watched the above clip and wanted to throw up.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I felt the same watching the clip. That poor kid, he looks terrified to me.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Yes, he was clearly terrified.

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Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

There does appear to be more women who go along with the trans agenda however the fact that there are more mothers than fathers taking small children to drag events will be due to the fact that they are the main caregivers during the day/week.

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I have to disagree since it doesn't seem to matter whether the "family friendly" shows are during the week or weekends, the majority of attendees seem to be women, at least in the videos I've seen. The same goes for the activists protesting, where for every dude in drag, there are a horde of female worshippers.

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Feb 22Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I have a vague theory that far left "progressivism" is typified by a kind of toxic femininity so tends to draw in more women.

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Interesting. I can see that. Perhaps the mirror image of 4chan? But even the guys on 4chan aren't out waving flags and threatening in mobs, as far as I know. I can't think of any dysfunctional predominantly male groups that have infiltrated universities to the extent of the mostly female progressives.

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I just realised I replied to my own comment instead of yours 🤦‍♀️

A further thought was that the adolescent female propensity for social contagion may be contributing to how far this is going.

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Exactly -- like Tumblr at one end and 4chan at the other. Although, the theories driving it trickled down from academia originally.

Interestingly, it seems the most vocal and violent core of the mobs are males (I'm thinking trans activists), but females are the supportive majority.

I do have to cynically wonder if "powers that be" saw an opportunity in women's lib, a huge untapped pool of voters, consumers etc., and are purposefully manipulating the culture (breaking down the family unit etc) by targeting females. I definitely absorbed a lot of ridiculous messaging growing up, but luckily have had the ability to see through it as I age.

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I think it's more of a personality reason for individuals and a societal reason as a whole. Remember also that straight white men are deemed the enemy in the current worldview so as to automatically discount their opinions.

Mothers tend to be much more doting, and while well-intentioned it's not the best thing for kids. Men are much more of the "tough it out" school of thought in general.

My bet is that traditional masculine men would speak out against transing their children but are stymied by the current system. The more soft types would go along with the ladies.

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We differ on one point and that is that these mothers are well intentioned. I believe they are getting some sort of jollies from what they are doing to their children, and they don’t care. We don’t say a car jacker, a burglar, a serial killer or other criminal is well intentioned. I believe the problem is we want to believe all women have “essential nurturing natures,” and to see these creatures as child abusing criminals gives many cognitive dissonance.

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Munchousen probably means that they are not seeing clearly.🤔

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One could say that about all attention seeking and criminal behavior. My pity meter for the criminal doesn't move when it comes to child and animal abuse and torture. There's a reason that Munchausen (FDIA) is so hard to treat.

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It's because it's a symptom, not a stand-alone disease. It's a symptom of a Cluster B personality disorder, most likely Borderline and/or Narcissism. It's fully Cluster B, and personality disorders are, in the real world on average, difficult to impossible to treat.

It's a *character* disorder. This is not a "good woman suffering with a disease." (I know you, Beadle, are not saying otherwise.) It's a bad woman who does bad things for psychologically broken reasons.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

The 'Mom' (in quotes b/c there's very little that is maternal there)is constantly using the words 'I', 'me', 'I'm angry' because the situation is about her. She doesn't use the child's name or (new) pronoun. I also was surprised the phrase, 'when children commit...' The obvious contradiction of a person that young committing to anything is a bit jarring. Both these people need help from a responsible medical system. Alas, we don't have that.

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That's a good observation. I didn't catch the constant referencing to herself. I was more so focused on the child.

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Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

So sad when a caring stranger on the internet has more compassion for the child than the mother. Munchausen's for sure.

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Yes! That commitment thing jumped out at me too. It’s reminiscent of pledges youngsters are coerced into making in religious sects — no regard for the fact that children are growing, changing individuals who don’t exist simply to affirm and support the beliefs of the adults who have authority over them.

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I am so glad you are writing on this. A friend lives in a very liberal area. Their high school was pushing this garbage on the kids and she seemed clueless that something was wrong. Wasn't it just progressive to accept this as the norm? One of her daughter's friends transitioned to a boy - I am more masculine looking - and she is now a boy that is gay. It makes my head hurt. Another friend from the same area said a girls would go in groups, giggling of course because that is what girls do, and seek our counseling on being a boy. This is a mental illness fueled by special interests groups. That said, I do know someone who transitioned eons ago but they did so as an adult after rigorous therapy and were not treated as if they were getting some minor cosmetic surgery.

On a side note, do you know if is this happening in Black community? Every other community seems to be getting hit with the virus.

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I have a feeling it's less prevalent among black children but I don't know for certain. It seems to be an upper-middle-class phenomenon.

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That fits. But the woman in the video looked like, well... what we used to call trailer trash. I did a quick search on Munchausen and nothing came back pulling data from specific ethnic groups. One would think would be a significant metric to measure.

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It is also taking place in poor black communities - the Ellis Center and its partners conduct large-scale medical experiments on a population of predominantly poor black youths


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The Ruth Ellis Center is metro Detroit’s central laboratory for the synthesis of transgender science.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

This is very frightening; its very clear that this child is suffering. As the courageous Dr. Miriam Grossman so eliquently said, this entire movement is founded on quicksand because its based on false claims made by John Money and an "experiment" he conducted on twins, a truly tragic story. The medical community lapped up every bit of it and when the theory was exposed as a fraud 20-30 years later, no one was willing to stand up and admit they had been sold a bill of goods.

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Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

I watched the whole video. The mother also answered the interviewer's questions too quickly, lest her child answer them. And the child, while giving a few canned phrases here and there, showed no body language to indicate true agreement with anything said.

During the debates for the 2016 election, I was spending most of my time in hospitals and rehabs because my dad was ill. The volume is usually off in those places, so I just watched the candidates body language. I was easy to tell when they were lying - 'it's not what you say, but what you do' - and that applies to body language too.

This mother is in it for her own aggrandizement, no doubt about it. Who knew there were this many Munchausen mothers in the US? But even in my small sphere I know at least one...

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At the end of the day, this is Cluster B manifesting and it's far more prevalent than people are realizing. Cluster B parents in one way or another inflict this pain onto their children.

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Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

She is raising her boy to have a sense of entitlement to use the girls toilets. That is what is dangerous.

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I don't believe this boy would be comfortable in the girls' bathroom, but he might use it out of fear of his mother.

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Feb 17Liked by Adam B. Coleman

It would be fascinating to know what proportion of si called ‘trans kids’ fall into this spectrum of parental attention seeking. There is so much built in secondary gain for these parents.

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Feb 19Liked by Adam B. Coleman

“My parental right to give her the medical treatment I think she needs.” Creepy.

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The hair in the face is a curtain he is trying to hide behind.

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Apr 1Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Horrible! That poor boy, who seems quite intelligent,has swallowed all the Kool Aid , spouting out all the cult talk , and his mother is the enabler! “ assigned at birth” is such a crock! Poor boy !

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You should try watching Jazz Jennings next.

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Feb 16Liked by Adam B. Coleman

Excellent observation!

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Thank you

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