Not arguing, Adam, simply stating how proud I am of my three GenZers who are honest, ethical, and work very hard: they are self-sustaining contributors to our society.

They also notice they have private student loans that Biden is not paying off and detest him for bribery.

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As a social scientist, I would opine that we are going through a cultural revolution, which must also be factored in ! (See enclosed video.)



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Absolutely, and it's starting in K-12 with the "Social Justice" (I e. socialist) trojan horse teaching our children to hate their countries, resist their families and become activists/revolutionaries.

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I am curious. How are the Gen Z members doing in the armed services? The services provide a structured environment and have relatively clear expectations.

From what I have observed with my younger kids, many are disciplined and hard working - my youngest daughter is 26 and has been working as a structural engineer for about 5 years, and she frequently has to burn the midnight oil as deadlines come in. My son is 24 and had lots of practice in team group work in business school - including having to deal with team members who were late or inadequate in their contributions. Good preparation for work as a techinal program manager.

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12 years in government indoctrination camps will do that to a generation.

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Great article, well written and 100% correct. As a retired baby boomer I remember seeing this phenomenon start to take root in corporate America. I pray for these young people as they need our steady hand to keep them balanced and our guidance and encouragment to push through the hard times.

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Thank you! I'm hoping things get better for them as well.

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I address this topic from a different perspective. After following Stephanie Seneff’s work, I see the issues stemming from a biological/environmental perspective. With the heavy use of glyphosate after it was legalized in 1990’s, I believe it’s the first generation to suffer the effects of many toxic environmental factors (including the massive growth of childhood injections) that can have an effect on the brain/gut (mitochondria) which can cause much of the psychological ills that are plaguing all subsequent generations.

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Good article and while I agree that the parents have abnegated their responsibility to teach their children hard lessons and the meaning of EARNED reward- I've little sympathy for these insufferable narcissists, that have watched the generations before them (except millennials) bust their asses while these kids chanted "OK boomer".

I also have no sympathy for those who are in college debt. If your too stupid to understand you'll have to pay back the money and interest, in a shitty economy - AND - when every other dummy who went before you is broke and paying off college debt - then you are also an idiot and deserve your fate.

You do not deserve to have tax paying, hard working citizens pay your debt off - when you haven't done a tinkers damn to contribute to society. You are a parasite, until you start paying your way and pulling your share of the load.

No one had a gun to your head, to sign on the dotted line,, so you could get a degree in the gender studies of the Madagascar cockroach.

So, if the parents didn't do their job teaching these valuable lessons, then life will - or the guilt ridden parents can pay the price personally now.

Regardless, the longer these little, fragile sweethearts are saved from the pain of the hard lessons...the more damage they will do and the more they will cost all of us, who had no hand in their current clueless and entitled uselessness.

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